July 2, 2023

Quests Over Coffee

I’ve been enjoying print and play games lately.

It’s like crafting and board gaming rolled into one activity.

I hunt the internet for interesting games that someone has kindly provided print files for and then spend a good chunk of time printing, cutting, glueing and/or sleeving the game components until I have a playable prototype.

All logic says this shouldn’t be addictive, but it is. I suppose humans like to create things.

The game that started my new print and play hobby is called Quests Over Coffee by a talented chap named Alexander Shen.

The game is a collection of little quests that you complete using dice in the time it takes to finish a cup of coffee.

It’s a light game that doesn’t require much thought, but seems a decent enough activity to start your day or it can be used as a break in your day to do something that is relaxing and fun.

Here’s a video playthrough if you’re interested:

The next game I’m planning to print and play is called Elevenses for One.

Martin’s Print & Play Hideaway

If you’re interested in learning more about print and play I recommend an FB group called Martin’s Print and Play Hideaway.

It’s one of the nicest FB groups I’ve ever come across and is full of good vibes, useful advice and links to some great games.

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